all postcodes in PR3 / PRESTON

find any address or company within the PR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR3 3AA 1 1 53.83383 -2.597986
PR3 3AB 12 0 53.829569 -2.607117
PR3 3AD 9 6 53.828722 -2.606648
PR3 3AE 1 1 53.82912 -2.607004
PR3 3AL 1 1 53.829823 -2.608275
PR3 3AN 40 6 53.82789 -2.607669
PR3 3AP 21 3 53.827609 -2.608242
PR3 3AR 1 1 53.826054 -2.607203
PR3 3AS 3 0 53.825942 -2.608932
PR3 3AT 20 0 53.822569 -2.610175
PR3 3AU 40 0 53.821945 -2.608418
PR3 3AX 47 0 53.821214 -2.60739
PR3 3AY 22 1 53.824767 -2.608474
PR3 3BA 28 1 53.823545 -2.607501
PR3 3BB 3 0 53.822814 -2.606351
PR3 3BD 27 1 53.819229 -2.607103
PR3 3BE 1 1 53.818395 -2.605634
PR3 3BH 8 0 53.815896 -2.60215
PR3 3BJ 15 3 53.808673 -2.612115
PR3 3BL 18 2 53.813688 -2.611518